quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009


Religion is a set of beliefs and practices, often associated with a supernatural power that arranges or directs the life and death of men, or a commitment to ideas that give coherence to the life of each person. Joining a religion involves a belief in a divine power and also provides a moral guidance of their followers.


Christianity is the religion of those who believe that Jesus Christ is Son of God, dead and risen. Son of God and of Mary, Jesus was born in Bethlehem.
He had disciples who spread his preaching everywhere, starting from Jerusalem. Peter and Paul spread the Christianity in Europe.
With the discoveries, Christianity is expanding through America, Africa and Far East.

The Bible is the sacred book of Christians, but it is different from the Bible of the Jews in that it contains the Old and New Testaments.
The Christians believe in one God manifested in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life for Salvation of men. Crucified, he resurrected gloriously on the third day. This faith is professed in the “Profession of Faith”.

Celebrates the birth of Christ.

On Easter Sunday the Church celebrates Jesus Risen: "The Lord resurrected. Hallelujah!"

The Pentecost
Fifty days after Easter, Christians celebrate the day that God sent the Holy Spirit on the Apostles.

For Christians, Jesus is the son of God and their religion is based on the lessons that he preached during his life.
The story of his death and resurrection is the most important aspect of the existence of Jesus as the sacrifice of his life was the way in which the Christian Father God saved the human race and it opened the doors of eternal life.


The Buddhism is not exactly a religion but a philosophy of life since, at the heart of his message is the man.
The goal of Buddhism - is not melting into Brahma (the Absolute), or union with God, but to reach the Nirvana that means delete the fires of nostalgie and attachment (this can be achieved in this life). It teaches the way to escape the suffering and pain.

"There is a sphere that is not certain, nor water, nor fire nor air: the ball of nothing. There is only the end of suffering" Buddha.

The Doctrine
The Buddhist belief is the “four holy truths”:

1 - All existence is unsatisfactory and full of suffering;
2 - This suffering is caused by ignorance, by ardent desire or attachment - constant effort to find something eternal and stable in the transition world;
3 - The suffering or dissatisfaction can be overcome at all - the Nirvana;
4 – You can achieve nirvana by following the noble Eight Ways of cumin: (these eight tracks do not have to be followed by a set order)

- Some understanding (or faith pure)
- Led some thought (or wish pure)
- A speech (or pure language)
- Certain conduct (action or pure)
- Some effort (pure or applied)
- A life (or means of subsistence pure)
- Some attention (or pure memory)
- Right concentration (meditation or pure)

To achieve absolute purification and therefore the lighting, the Buddhism proposes many years. The "Yoga" is the principal.
The Buddhist believes that a human being before reaching Nirvana, a place of absolute peace, where there is no suffering, passes by several rebirths.

The three main sins of Buddhism:

- Greed (represented by the pig)
- Hatred (represented by the snake)
- The illusion (represented by the rooster)

"Consumed by yearning, angry by hate, blinded by the illusion, crushed and desperate, a man contemplates his own fall, to the other and both together" Buddha.

The symbols of Buddhism:

-The wheel of life - the wheel is symbol of rebirth.
-The temple or Buddhist shrine - a place of worship
-The Bonzo - is the name given to Buddhist monks.

Lay people participating in various acts of worship which shows a very strong and deep religiosity. The supply of flowers, candles and incense of chopsticks is very widespread. The statues of Buddha are honoured in particular. In wood, the faithful place gold papers.

Thus, the prayers of Buddhists, monks and lay people, are not directed to a personal God, but the Buddha that is within each of us. Often, these prayers are written in rolls that the faithful are turning. They believe that as the rollers rotate with the sentences containing, these are repeated hundreds of times.


Sacred books - Vedas (Sanskrit word meaning "divine knowledge").
The Vedas are hymns written in Sanskrit archaic XII century and the collections were five or Samhita, which would have been revealed by the Brahma Rishi, or wise: the "shruti" or revelations. Divided into:

Rig-Veda - or prohibits the stanzas, composed of twenty-eight thousand hymns addressed to the deity;
Yajur-Veda - or Veda of sacrificial formulas, consisting of five collections of poetry formulation; Sarna-Veda - Veda of melodies and includes many stanzas almost always accompanied by musical notations for the use of archaic singers.
Atharva-Veda - or tales of magic, composed of excerpts cosmogonic and mystics.

The Hinduism professes three main gods: Brahma, which is the root Brahe and that means growth. Brahma is the personification of the Absolute male, father and home of all things, creator of the universe. It is represented with four faces and four arms to indicate his omnipotence. It presents in all things, and may manifest itself in any human species, animal (holy cow, elephant) or mineral (River Ganges).

The Hindus believe in reincarnation of souls, after death, according to the merits. They also believe in the possibility of the release of the man of the cycle of reincarnation.

The prayer must be done at least twice a day, in the rising and Sunset of the day. Recite texts of the Vedas and it offers flowers to the deity and the fire that pays tribute. There is Brahman, priests who devote their lives to the gods. A religion with many gods has countless festivals - more than 40 per year, varying according to the region.

1 comentário:

  1. Noawadays lot's of people continue to be pressurized by their culture and their beliefs. I guess it's time to make a change.
