The importance of the language
How many languages exist in whole world?
Number of living languages: 6912
Number of those languages that are nearly extinct: 516
Language with the greatest number of native speakers: Mandarin Chinese
Language spoken by the greatest number of non-native speakers: English (250 million to 350 million non-native speakers)
Countries where English is the spoken language!

The Importance of English ...
English is not the most widely spoken language in the world in terms of the number of native speakers.
It is difficult to estimate exactly how many English speakers there are, but according to one estimate there are more than 350,000,000 native English speakers and more than 400,000,000 speakers of English as a second language or foreign language.
The use oh English…
Today, English is used for us (portugues peolple) everyday's. Words like okay, chat, net, messenger, hi5, game over, fast-food, surf, stop, rock, punk, t-shirt, DVD, snack bar, pen drive, donut, aftershave, spray, ketchup… are used everyday by us. English is also important for the news, business, maritime communication and international air traffic control.
Importance of English for the culture...
Popular culture has also played an important part in spreading English. American and British popular music are heard all over the world. American movies are seen in almost every country. Books in English are available even in countries where few people actually use English. One reason that students give for learning English is to understand these songs, movies and books.
Importance of English for the tourism…
English is spoken in large hotels and tourist attractions, at airports, and in shops that tourists frequent. There are newspapers printed in English, and TV news is available in English. Tours are almost always available in English. Even in countries where few people speak English on the street, people who work with tourists generally speak English too.
So the English language is very important for people to communicate. Is essential for us all. And it is easy to learn.
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